The Surprising Condition With The Symptom Of Spontaneous Arousal – Health Digest

According to a 2023 study in Springer Nature, treating PGAD often involves a combination of psychological approaches to help people manage their symptoms and improve their overall well-being. However, these treatments are not about making the physical sensations disappear, but rather helping people cope better. The combined approaches include psychoeducation, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), mindfulness-based therapy, dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and distress tolerance TIPP skills. When it comes to psychoeducation, a strategy called the Fear-Avoidance Model suggests that if people see their symptoms as threatening, it may lead to catastrophizing, avoidance, and hypervigilance. This, in turn, can lead to more anxiety, sadness, and a lower quality of life. The Fear-Avoidance Model tries to reduce the fear and worry about PGAD, making it easier to manage the symptoms and recover. Meanwhile, CBT has been helpful for other sexual problems; it helps people challenge negative beliefs about PGAD and try new ways of thinking.

Regarding mindfulness-based therapy, it is said to be helpful for women with sexual problems, anxiety, and sadness by reducing pain catastrophizing and stress levels. In contrast, DBT is often used for people with intense emotions and difficulties managing distress; it has been shown to help with chronic pain, which is often the case with PGAD. Lastly, distress tolerance TIPP skills help manage extreme arousal, which can be a big challenge with PGAD. TIPP stands for temperature (such as ice baths), intense exercise, paced breathing, and paired muscle relaxation, which can help individuals cool down and relax when feeling overwhelmed by arousal.